Our Dental Blogs

2 October 2017

5 Solutions To Reduce Your Gummy Smile

At some time in your life you have met someone who had a gummy smile. Sometimes it’s all you see when they smile at you. You only notice their gums, not their eyes or their beautiful teeth. Maybe that person is you. We all have flaws, real or imagined, that we don’t like about our face and our... Read More

8 September 2017

Have You Seen Your Dentist Recently? 4...

“Ignorance is bliss, ” or so we’ve heard. Maybe that works with some... Read More

7 August 2017

6 Symptoms Of An Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth have nothing to do with being wise.This is proven over and over... Read More

3 July 2017

6 Common Symptoms Of Teething

If you are parents of a firstborn get ready for some sleepless nights. If... Read More

2 May 2017

What Are Prosthodontic Services?

A prosthodontic service is a dental specialty that restores and replaces... Read More

10 April 2017

4 Alternatives To A Root Canal Treatment

When a dentist tells a patient that they probably will need a root canal... Read More

3 February 2017

7 Things That Could Be Causing Tooth...

Many people think we only get a toothache when we have a cavity. In general... Read More

11 January 2017

6 Reasons To Have Your Teeth Whitened...

The first thing you notice when meeting someone is either their eyes or their... Read More

4 January 2017

6 Signs Of Tooth Decay In Children

Signs of tooth decay in young children are similar in adults. Likewise, the... Read More

28 December 2016

Is It Safe To Have A Root Canal While...

Having a baby is a thrilling time filled with lots of anticipation. To be... Read More

10 October 2016

How To Handle A Fractured Or Broken...

Ouch! If you have ever taken a bite of something only to realize you just broke... Read More