Evidence Based Dentistry

2 July 2014

What is Evidence Based Dentistry and how does it affect me as the Patient?

Dental research is incredibly valuable. In order to ensure that clinicians are informed of new findings in the world of dentistry, the concept of evidence based dentistry was created.

What is EBD?

EBD is a process that allows you and your dentist to make educated decisions about your dental treatment. EBD combines the everyday practice of dentistry with the most recent research findings in the industry. Using EBD, your dentist will consider several important sources of information to make the best choice for your individual treatment plan.

  • Scientific articles
  • Clinical expertise
  • Your preferences and/or needs

Evidence based dentistry allows your dentist to create a plan that works best for you and your mouth. As much as possible, it advocates for as minimal treatment as possible. It also enables you to feel more comfortable with the treatment plan, as you play a part in creating it.

Evidence based dentistry is used to ensure that all dentists have the tools they need to provide the best treatment for every patient.

How it Works

Thousands of scientific articles are published every day about dental care. Sorting through those and finding the important information could take your dentist weeks. Instead, they will use a systematic review. A systematic review is a summary of scientific reports related to a variety of topics that may be relevant to your situation.

Dentists may also use a critical summary, which is a one-page, simplified version of a systematic review. This allows your dentist to review information quickly and concisely to determine if it’s right for each patient. Plain language summaries are also provided in order to help the patient understand the treatment and care plan.

Evidence Based Clinical Recommendation

When discussing your treatment plan, your dentist may refer to evidence-based clinical recommendations as guidelines for suggested treatment options. These recommendations enable your dentist to talk you about scientific topics that may be applied to your treatment.

Better Dental Care for All

Oakville Place Dental uses evidence based dentistry to provide a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for each patient. We utilize new tools and techniques along with years of experience to ensure that you are comfortable with the course of treatment. Visit us at Oakville Place to learn more about evidence based dentistry and how you can have a part in creating your treatment plan.

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