The Benefits of Dental Implants

17 February 2020

Smiling is a way of conveying happiness and warmth, and it won’t cost you anything to share your smile. Your teeth and gums work in combination to make up the smile you share with the world. Any gaps created by missing teeth can certainly impact the appearance of your smile, sometimes leaving you insecure and hesitant to show off your pearly whites.

Tooth loss can occur for a number of reasons, including external and internal factors. If your gums become infected, or your tooth begins to decay, you may lose that tooth to infection if it progresses too far. Alternatively, tooth loss can occur if you undergo a root canal procedure which fails, or tooth loss can occur from an accident. Although the loss of a permanent tooth can be frightening, it is a relatively common occurrence and on average by the age of fifty, many have lost twelve teeth.

Luckily, there is an excellent option for those who have lost a permanent tooth or teeth to help fill in the gaps in their mouth and restore their beautiful smile. Dental implants provide a very effective and natural-looking solution to your missing teeth and serve both a cosmetic and functional purpose in your mouth. Opting to receive dental implant surgery is not a small decision, but certainly one with effective results. If you’re debating whether a dental implant surgery is the right step for you, then let us help outline some of the benefits of the procedure to help you make an informed decision.

What function do dental implants serve?

Your teeth are structured so that when all teeth are present, they are appropriately aligned in your mouth. Each tooth helps keep its neighbouring tooth in place and remain in their correct positions. Once a tooth is lost, the alveolar bone in the jaw, which is responsible for supporting the tooth, slowly begins to disintegrate. As this disintegration takes place, the structure of your overall face and jaw, as well as its joints and muscles, begins to change. This change is even more prominent if many teeth are missing. If you think of your teeth as a line-up of people standing shoulder to shoulder and packed tightly, there isn’t much room for them to move from side to side.

The same situation can be applied to your teeth; if one of the teeth in this line-up is removed, the rest of the teeth in the line have more space to move around and shift. The more teeth that are lost, the more space is created for your other teeth to move freely and shift. If you lose a tooth, it can negatively impact the remaining teeth in your mouth by causing shifting and issues with your bite due to the alignment of the upper and lower teeth. Being unable to bite properly can make it difficult for you to chew your food, leading to poor nutrition.

Dental implants provide the best solution for missing teeth, while also offering the most natural-looking tooth replacements that blend in well with your other teeth and, hopefully, last you a lifetime. Missing teeth should never be disregarded, but rather replaced as soon as possible, and dental implants are the cosmetic and functional solution you’re looking for.

Benefits of Dental Implants

The process of placing a dental implant into your mouth involves a few steps and can take up to six months for a completely new tooth to be built and fixed into your mouth. The dental implant itself is a screw that is made of a combination of titanium and other materials. This implant screw is anchored into your jawbone in the position where the new tooth will eventually be placed. This implant will serve as a support for the replacement tooth to be placed on top. The implant is then given some time to fuse with the jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. Once the implant has fused with the bone, a replacement tooth is attached to a small metal post that protrudes from the implant. Even though the process of implantation and placement of a new tooth may take a while, the results are definitely worth the wait. Dental implants can be highly beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Solid foundation. Dental implants are placed inside of your jawbone and allowed to fuse with it, creating an artificial tooth root that provides a solid and stable foundation for replacement teeth. Dental implants do not slip or shift over time and, therefore, are able to provide the same stability as your natural tooth would.
  • Easy to clean. Unlike dentures, dental implants do not need to be removed at night to be cleaned or soaked. Rather, dental implants are cleaned in the same as you would your natural teeth. This makes the cleaning process simple and convenient. Stick to your twice-daily brushing, regular flossing routine, and regularly scheduled dental check-ups to maintain your dental implant. If you maintain your teeth and the dental implant, you can expect it to last you a lifetime.
  • Shift prevention. When you have a missing tooth, it can disrupt the alignment of your teeth. Your teeth may begin to shift and occupy the extra spaces. When you get a dental implant, it prevents neighbouring teeth from shifting and preserves your jawbone and the contour or your face.
  • Self-supporting. Dental implants do not need to be anchored to neighbouring teeth for support, unlike a bridge. The neighbouring teeth do not get damaged because they are not attached to the dental implant in any way. A dental implant not only provides a replacement tooth, but also the tooth root which helps avoid bone loss, unlike with dentures that are removable.
  • Ideal cosmetic procedure. If you have missing teeth, making it difficult for you to speak or enjoy your favourite foods, then dental implants are the ideal cosmetic solution to replace them. Unlike dentures, implants do not cause any difficulties with your chewing or create any clicking noises when you speak. If you don’t suffer from any health concerns or have any chronic illnesses, then you can expect the best results from your dental implant surgery.

How can I ensure a successful dental implant?

Dental implant surgeries are common, popular, and have been proven successful. If you’re worried about whether your dental implant will be a success, there are a few things you can do on your end, including the following:

  • Quit smoking. Smoking is a horrible habit that can have devastating effects on your lungs and overall body. The success rates of dental implants are lower in individuals who smoke since smoking causes bone deterioration. In order to keep your implant fixed in place, your jawbone must remain strong, which may not be the case if you are a smoker. To help avoid implant failure and benefit your overall health, quit smoking.
  • Allow time for healing. If you suffer from a chronic illness such as diabetes, the healing process for a dental implant can be delayed. Be careful and patient and have a dental professional help monitor your implant to make sure it is healing appropriately.

Dental implants are the popular choice for tooth replacement surgeries and have proven to be very safe and effective procedures. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are always risks and chances for complications to occur. A few risks associated with dental implant surgery could include injuries to the nerve, sinus, or nasal cavity, infection, and/or bleeding. If your natural tooth has been lost or is not salvageable after all possible attempts, then a dental implant is the best way to help restore proper function to your mouth and prevent bone loss over time.

Don’t let your confidence and quality of life suffer because of a missing tooth or teeth. Help restore your smile, speech, and ability to chew and enjoy your food with the introduction of a dental implant. At Oakville Place Dental, our team of dental professionals can offer you a safe and successful dental implant, so let us be a part of bringing back your beautiful smile. Call Oakville Place Dental today at (647) 496-2721 to book your appointment or visit our website here to learn more about our services.

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